The Levitical Offerings
Author: John Boyd
Publisher: Precious Seed

This booklet was first published as a series of articles in Precious Seed magazine over the years 1965-66. They are now published in this form that they might stimulate a new generation to study this important area of typical truth.


The Levitical Offerings

This booklet was first published as a series of articles in Precious Seed magazine over the years 1965-66. They are now published in this form that they might stimulate a new generation to study this important area of typical truth.

Paul, in writing to the believers in Rome, taught them: ‘Whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope’, Rom. 15. 4. Whilst this verse relates to all scripture rather than the portion considered by Dr. Boyd, it is as relevant to his study as it is to those other portions of the word of God.

The Levitical Offerings afford a study of immense importance as they teach us so much concerning the significance and scope of the work of Christ on the cross at Calvary. How important to deepen our appreciation of the work of the Lord Jesus Christ!

Terminology employed by the New Testament writers is often derived from the offerings. In the Epistle to the Philippians, for example, Paul speaks of being ‘offered upon the sacrifice and service of your faith’, Phil. 2. 17. So much of the Epistle to the Hebrews is better understood by referring to rituals such as those laid down in respect to these offerings.

Thus, in this booklet there is that which will draw out our affection to Christ, reveal something of the character of our God, challenge our spiritual life and testimony and deepen our understanding of the word of God.



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The Levitical Offerings
