The Mind of Christ
Author: Norman Mellish
Publisher: Gospel Folio Press

In recent times Norman Mellish has had a desire to put into writing some of the precious things that the Lord has revealed to him. He feels that the truth of Philippians is sadly neglected in practice as we move one with another, and if any book would be a means of glorifying the Lord we love it is by putting the truth of Philippians into practice.



In recent times Norman Mellish has had a desire to put into writing some of the precious things that the Lord has revealed to him. Much of what he has gleaned is from the faithful ministry of good men who sought to instruct him in divine things, and he is very thankful for those who have left a written ministry. He feels that the truth of Philippians is sadly neglected in practice as we move one with another, and if any book would be a means of glorifying the Lord we love it is by putting the truth of Philippians into practice. It is the highest truth in the New Testament, that is to be like Christ and to be conformed to His image. He trusts that the Lord will use it to bring honour to Him.

NORMAN MELLISH, although born into an ungodly home, attended Sunday school. However as a young boy he forsook the right way of the Lord. It wasn’t until he was 15 year old, when God confronted him with the thoughts of eternity, that he returned to the Gospel Hall, heard the gospel of the grace of God, and trusted the Lord Jesus as his Saviour. As a young man the Lord exercised him to preach the gospel, as a result he started Gospel tent meetings in the city of Manchester UK at the age of 28. After 5 years of tent work in the city, the Lord led him into full time ministry. In 1968 he was commended by the Wythenshawe assembly. He has been to the British Isles, North America, Brazil, Australia, and various parts of Europe to preach the gospel and minister the truth of God to those who love God’s name.



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