Day by Day Bible Characters
Day by Day Series
Author: Various Authors
Publisher: Precious Seed

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The primary intention of this book is that it may be used to encourage the daily reading of scripture – an operation of vital importance to us all. In that daily reading there is available for us ‘the sincere milk of the word’ whereby, as children of God, ‘we may grow’.


Day by Day Bible Characters

The primary intention of this book is that it may be used to encourage the daily reading of scripture – an operation of vital importance to us all. In that daily reading there is available for us ‘the sincere milk of the word’ whereby, as children of God, ‘we may grow’. However, this particular volume provides extra benefit as a book of reference, because some 234 Bible characters are considered. Hopefully, in reading through this book we may all take encouragement from the worthy conduct of those who honoured God, and warning from the misdemeanours of those who turned away from God!



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Day by Day Bible Characters
