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1 Corinthians

A further book from the pen of Norman Mellish. 1 Corinthians was written for the purpose of encouraging the Corinthian assembly to move carefully in their service for the Lord, and also for the generations that have followed to know what the Lord desires as we worship and minister to Him.


2 Corinthians

In writing on this oft neglected book, the author provides us with his customary analysis and exposition of each chapter, and many word studies that will be of profit to the reader. Although this book does not afford the space, there are also lines of truth that will give the student ample scope for meditation.


Balaam the Son of Beor

Balaam has a large place in the scriptures. He is mentioned in eight books and referenced sixty-three times in fifty-nine verses. Whilst his only assignment was to curse God’s people, God was working out all of the apparent disparate circumstances for the implementing of His sovereign purposes.


Precious Seed Magazine Volume 10

The latest in our Archive series, providing a facsimile of Volume 10 of Precious Seed Magazine for 1959. The first edition came out in September 1945 shortly after the end of World War II. It resulted from the exercise of a number of brethren in South-West England who were burdened to meet the need among assemblies in the UK for a consistent ministry of the word through a well-balanced and Christ-centred magazine. Its stated purpose was that, on a monthly basis, articles of an evangelistic, expository and informative nature should be freely available to all.


The Olivet Discourse

Matthew chapters 24 and 25 form one of seven major discourses in Matthew’s Gospel. These include: the moral and ethical principles of the kingdom which are covered in chapters 5 to 7, otherwise known as the sermon on the mount; the parables of the kingdom, in chapter 13; and the prophecies of the kingdom, covered in the Olivet discourse. These three also have particular reference to prophetic matters involving the kingdom. The Olivet discourse itself gives a chronological outline of predicted events in relation to the nation of Israel as the fulfilment of Daniel’s seventieth ‘week’, 9. 27.


The Sermon on the Mount

This is the sixth book in the Albert Leckie series. The sermon on the mount is so called because Matthew says of the Lord, ‘he went up into a mountain’, 5. 1. Whilst this may be its geographical setting, its spiritual setting is the kingdom in anticipation. It will, in a very real way, be the heart cry of the faithful, godly Jew during the coming tribulation.
