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100 Questions Sent To Precious Seed

Since its inception in 1945, many questions have been submitted to the editors and trustees of Precious Seed. Of these, some were very specifically time related in that they focussed on matters pertinent to a former day and, as such, they are no longer relevant to the 21st century. Others may have raised issues that were covered by similar questions sent in several years later.


A Word for Everyday

Print on Demand title. We do not have this title in stock but it will be printed and dispatched to you within 7-10 working days. By exploring the historical, theological and social context in which a number of selected Bible words are found, the author brings to life the meaning of these words for the ordinary reader, thus providing a useful aid to biblical interpretation


A Word for Everyday – eBook

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A Word for Everyday – eBook

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Balaam the Son of Beor

Balaam has a large place in the scriptures. He is mentioned in eight books and referenced sixty-three times in fifty-nine verses. Whilst his only assignment was to curse God’s people, God was working out all of the apparent disparate circumstances for the implementing of His sovereign purposes.


Church Doctrine and Practice – Revised

Every Christian should be concerned to learn and obey the New Testament’s teaching in respect of the church. Warmly welcomed when first published, Church Doctrine and Practice has now been fully revised to include further biblically focused doctrinal and practical teaching.

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Future Events

This is the fifth book in this series from the ministry of Albert Leckie, following on from Romans 1-8, The Tabernacle and The Offerings, 1 John and The Upper Room Ministry of the Lord Jesus. May the Lord be pleased to use it to the blessing of the Lord’s people, that there might be a deeper understanding of divine purpose and a greater devotion to Him.


God’s Programme for the Ages

This book focusses on God’s programme for the ages of time. Each of ‘The three sevens’ show that nothing is happening by chance. Man is not on the ascendancy. God is in complete control. The step-by-step developments in the seven feasts of Jehovah in Leviticus chapter 23, the seven mysteries of the kingdom in Mathew chapter 13, and the seven churches of Asia in Revelation chapters 2 and 3 show unequivocally that everything is under a higher hand.

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Israel in History and Prophecy

We are sorry, but this title is no longer available to order. Brought up in a Christian family Alan Linton has made frequent visits to Israel. From his interest in Bible study and, in particular, Bible prophecy, he has written this book which maps out the biblical perspective on Israel in history and prophecy. It is sure to whet the appetite of those who believe that God’s dealings with Israel are not finished.


Pen Portraits in Proverbs

Though Proverbs may be nearly 3000 years old, the Spirit-inspired material it contains is timeless and this is what this little book unfolds.

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Spiritual Renewal

It is a surprising discovery that Pentecostalism is a plant which can flourish in practically every denomination. Even in the 1950's this would have been deemed absurd. Perhaps no one is as amazed as the old fashioned Pentecostal who was trained to expect opposition from the various branches of Christendom.


The Glory and Power of God

This book reveals the glory and power of God in creation, the flood, and in earthquakes. The writer examines the days of creation in Genesis chapter 1 from both a Biblical and a scientific perspective, and concludes that the acceptance of literal 24-hour days in the creation account not only harmonizes with the rest of scripture, but also with science.


The Gospel of Mark

Comparing Mark’s records with that of other Gospel writers, and considering those events unique to this Gospel, this book seeks to open up the earthly life and ministry of the Saviour.


The Levitical Offerings

This booklet was first published as a series of articles in Precious Seed magazine over the years 1965-66. They are now published in this form that they might stimulate a new generation to study this important area of typical truth.


The Local Church

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The New Treasury of Bible Doctrine

The Treasury of Bible Doctrine has been in constant demand since it was first published in 1977. In recognition of this continuing need for biblically faithful teaching, the original volume has been fully revised and expanded.


The Person and Work of the

Sam Jardine was born into a Christian home in the city of Belfast in 1904. He trusted the Lord Jesus as a young man while lying on a hospital bed. The lives of his godly parents, Pastor Alex and Mrs. Jardine, left deep and lasting impressions.


The Tabernacle and the Offerings

Print on Demand title. We do not have this title in stock but it will be printed and dispatched to you within 7-10 working days. This book has been compiled from the oral ministry of Albert Leckie, particularly the Bible Readings he conducted at Trimsaran in Wales.


The Upper Room Ministry of the

A companion volume to Albert Leckie’s works on Romans, The Tabernacle and the Offerings and 1 John, The Upper Room Ministry of the Lord Jesus covers chapters 13 to 17 of John’s Gospel.


The Upper Room Ministry of the

Digital Copy in Epub Format only. Available for download following successful payment For further information regarding our eBooks please visit our Digital Media Guide


The Upper Room Ministry of the

Digital Copy in Mobi (Kindle) Format only. Available for download following successful payment For further information regarding our eBooks please visit our Digital Media Guide
