Day by Day Series



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Day by Day Bible Characters

Print on Demand title. We do not have this title in stock but it will be printed and dispatched to you within 7-10 working days. The primary intention of this book is that it may be used to encourage the daily reading of scripture – an operation of vital importance to us all. In that daily reading there is available for us ‘the sincere milk of the word’ whereby, as children of God, ‘we may grow’.


Day by Day Bible Commands

In the upper room ministry of the Lord Jesus He revealed to His disciples the importance of the commandments that He had given them: ‘He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me:


Day by Day Bible Promises

It is recorded in the book of Nehemiah that, ‘day by day, from the first day until the last day, he [Ezra] read in the book of the law of God’, Neh. 8. 18. This interest in and study of the word of God was the basis of the people’s gladness, blessing, and revival.


Day by Day Bible Questions

This volume, like others in the series, encourages the daily reading and meditation upon the scriptures. However, as the title suggests, it focuses on a significant scripture question, that is, a question actually asked in the Bible, providing an exposition with application.


Day by Day Christ and His

The Day by Day series seeks to promote daily meditation in the word of God. The original volume Day by Day through the New Testament was published in 1979, and in this fifteenth volume we revisit this most important portion of scripture.


Day by Day Christ Foreshadowed

Print on Demand title. We do not have this title in stock but it will be printed and dispatched to you within 7-10 working days. This volume, like others in the series, encourages the daily reading and meditation upon the scriptures. However, its theme is to consider those portions that give us pictures or glimpses of the coming Lord and Saviour – foreshadowings of Christ.


Day by Day Divine Titles

The idea for this book came from the ministry of the late Jim Flanigan of Northern Ireland. In the early days of church testimony it was noted, of Peter and John in particular, ‘that they had been with Jesus’, Acts 4. 13.


Day by Day Living in the

These daily meditations cover the historical books of the Old Testament from Joshua to 2 Chronicles. Israel’s occupancy of the Promised Land began well, and had golden days of success during the reigns of David and Solomon, but is largely a tragic account of disobedience to the Lord, their covenant God,


Day by Day Moments with the

It is good for every Christian to spend moments with the Master, and this addition to our Day by Day series enables all believers to meditate daily upon their Lord and Saviour. Twenty-two different writers, drawn from Canada, Germany, England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales,


Day by Day New Testament

When this book was first published in 1979 it was the earnest prayer of the Publishers that God would use it to stir up any who are not enjoying and deriving benefit from the daily habit of reading His word consecutively.


Day by Day Old Testament

This title is currently unavailable. We anticipate that new copies will be available again in late April. The Old Testament was the Bible used by our Lord when He was here; it was also the Bible of the early church as it spread the gospel of the grace of God across the Near East. This Day by Day provides selected readings to promote a wider reading.


Day by Day Paradise to the

Print on Demand title. We do not have this title in stock but it will be printed and dispatched to you within 7-10 working days. No one could read through the New Testament without appreciating how much of it is built upon and develops types and principles that are first revealed in the Old.


Day by Day Pictures and Parables

As part of the Day by Day series, this book seeks to encourage the daily reading of scripture, but also to bring out some of the richness of scripture through the daily meditation.

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Day by Day Prayer

We are sorry, but this title is not currently available to order.


Day by Day Psalms

Print on Demand title. We do not have this title in stock but it will be printed and dispatched to you within 7-10 working days. This book will help the reader capture some of the beauties contained in the Psalter. It is not a straight-through, systematic reading of the Psalms, but an unfolding of some of the major themes contained therein.


Day by Day Through the Bible

There is no better activity for the Christian than to prayerfully meditate on the Bible, the living word of God. The Gospels demonstrate clearly that the mind of the Lord Jesus was saturated with scripture, and that it was His comfort and encouragement at every stage of His pathway on earth.


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