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Showing 1–24 of 35 results

1 & 2 Thessalonians

There are three prime Epistles – Romans, Ephesians, and Thessalonians. All are doctrinal. We have the cross in Romans, the church in Ephesians, and, nally, the coming of the Lord in Thessalonians.


1 Corinthians

A further book from the pen of Norman Mellish. 1 Corinthians was written for the purpose of encouraging the Corinthian assembly to move carefully in their service for the Lord, and also for the generations that have followed to know what the Lord desires as we worship and minister to Him.


2 Corinthians

In writing on this oft neglected book, the author provides us with his customary analysis and exposition of each chapter, and many word studies that will be of profit to the reader. Although this book does not afford the space, there are also lines of truth that will give the student ample scope for meditation.



This book was first published in 1975. It was written for those Christians who either knew already, or who desired to know, the implications of the Acts of the Apostles for today. Out of print for some time, Precious Seed Books are please to reissue this edition with the permission of the copyright owners. John Heading was the second editor of the magazine, succeeding J. H. Large who was one of the founding members of the original committee.



The book of Colossians is the companion Epistle to the Ephesians and it follows the same truths. The letter was written to strengthen the saints against false teaching and to maintain their testimony for the Lord.


Engaging with 2 Corinthians

It is probably fair to say that whilst Paul’s Second Epistle to the Corinthians receives less attention in public ministry than other New Testament Epistles, there are many verses which are known and beloved by believers. This commentary seeks to help the reader to understand the text, both by summary as well as a more detailed exposition.



The subject of this lovely letter is the Church which is His body, that is, the Church of which every blood-bought saint is a member. It is the Church dispensational; it began on the day of Pentecost and was formed by the Holy Spirit as believers were linked to a risen Lord who is the head of the Church.



This book traces the narrative of Exodus, giving numerous practical applications as well as an insight into the types and shadows, none more so than in the chapters dealing with the tabernacle. The mix of faithfulness to the word of God, and application to the needs of the people of God, is coupled with much that seeks to exalt the Saviour.



It was no easy position in which Ezekiel found himself. For him, as Jeremiah the weeping prophet who animated him, the general low conditions were heart-breaking. The prophet observed a people departing from Jehovah, divided among themselves, yet fanatically following a decayed ritual.



The book of Galatians was written to ensure that none would look to men, but only to the finished work of the Lord Jesus as their only hope for eternity.



It is anticipated that this book will be available to order in early May. This commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews is the latest book by Norman Mellish.


Notes on Galatians and Philippians

William Trew was born in December 1902 in New Stevenston, Scotland. He trusted the Lord Jesus as a young man of 17, was baptized and received into fellowship in the assembly meeting at Shields Road, Motherwell and was commended to the work of the Lord at the early age of 19.



In recent times Norman Mellish has had a desire to put into writing some of the precious things that the Lord has revealed to him. He feels that the truth of Philippians is sadly neglected in practice as we move one with another, and if any book would be a means of glorifying the Lord we love it is by putting the truth of Philippians into practice.



In the Introduction to this commentary Keith Keyser remarks, ‘The pages of this comparatively short epistle pulsate with a strange mixture of suffering and joy’.


Prison Letters

The two letters to the Colossians and to Philemon were written at the same time, doubtless during Paul’s first imprisonment in Rome. What we know as the epistle to the Ephesians was written at the same time also. They form a very important part of the prison epistles.



The purpose of this commentary is to help the saints understand the mind of God, while increasing our knowledge of coming events. These things are written to draw out our affections to Christ and to glorify the Lord who will soon appear and unite us to Himself for ever.



This book is due for publication in June 2024. It is available for preorder and will be shipped once stocks are received. Romans is the Epistle that presents the doctrine of the gospel in all its magnificence – God’s ability to make a guilty sinner righteous.



Print on Demand title. We do not have this title in stock but it will be printed and dispatched to you within 7-10 working days. This book, taken from Bible Readings that Mr Leckie conducted at Trimsaran in Wales, gives us an analysis and exposition of the first eight chapters of this most important book of scripture.


Studies in First Corinthians

Print on Demand title. We do not have this title in stock but it will be printed and dispatched to you within 7-10 working days. This book offers verse-by-verse expository comments on chapters 8 to 15 of what we know as the apostle Paul’s ‘First Epistle to the Corinthians’.


The Epistles of John

What does the practice of historic Christianity look like in the twenty-first century? Does our personal morality or treatment of others matter, provided we believe the right things? Can the faith be conveniently reshaped to suit the latest secular thinking? In an age when truth is challenged, how can we know that our Christian faith is authentic?


The Epistles of John and Jude

The latest book from the pen of Norman Mellish. The Epistles of John bring together the theme of love. As John bids his readers to ‘love the brethren’, 3. 14, he demonstrates that love in his dealings with ‘the elect lady and her children’, 2 John 1, and Gaius, 3 John 1.


The First Epistle of John

This Epistle was not written to any particular church or to any particular individual. It is an Epistle that is spoken of as being catholic in its character because it is written for the whole family of God. The subject of the Epistle is eternal life and the evidences of it, such as love, obedience, boldness and having no fear.


The First Epistle of John –

Digital Copy in Epub Format only. Available for download following successful payment. For further information regarding our eBooks please visit our Digital Media Guide


The First Epistle of John –

Digital Copy in Mobi (Kindle) Format only. Available for download following successful payment For further information regarding our eBooks please visit our Digital Media Guide
