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100 Questions Sent To Precious Seed

Since its inception in 1945, many questions have been submitted to the editors and trustees of Precious Seed. Of these, some were very specifically time related in that they focussed on matters pertinent to a former day and, as such, they are no longer relevant to the 21st century. Others may have raised issues that were covered by similar questions sent in several years later.


Precious Seed Magazine Volume 1 –

Print on Demand title. We do not have this title in stock but it will be printed and dispatched to you within 7-10 working days. This first edition came out in September 1945 shortly after the end of World War II. It resulted from the exercise of a number of brethren in South-West England who were burdened to meet the need among assemblies in the UK for a consistent ministry of the word.


Precious Seed Magazine Volume 10

The latest in our Archive series, providing a facsimile of Volume 10 of Precious Seed Magazine for 1959. The first edition came out in September 1945 shortly after the end of World War II. It resulted from the exercise of a number of brethren in South-West England who were burdened to meet the need among assemblies in the UK for a consistent ministry of the word through a well-balanced and Christ-centred magazine. Its stated purpose was that, on a monthly basis, articles of an evangelistic, expository and informative nature should be freely available to all.


Precious Seed Magazine Volume 2

Print on Demand title. We do not have this title in stock but it will be printed and dispatched to you within 7-10 working days. Volume 2 of Precious Seed Magazine - 1948-49


Precious Seed Magazine Volume 3

Volume 3 of Precious Seed Magazine - 1949-51


Precious Seed Magazine Volume 4

This book, Volume 4 of the magazine, covers the years 1951-52. In the reports, there is a fascinating record of assembly history in many parts of the country. In the articles there is the same rich mix of material that is expository, informative and devotional.


Precious Seed Magazine Volume 5

This book, Volume 5 of the magazine, covers the years 1952-53. With expositional material, such as that on the Pastoral Epistles, together with practical and devotional articles, there is the same eclectic mix of papers that will be a blessing to the reader.


Precious Seed Magazine Volume 6

This book, Volume 6, covers the years 1953-54. It concludes the helpful expositional material on the Pastoral Epistles and commences the series on New Testament Church Principles. There are also matters of historical interest, such as the changes in the committee and the editor’s thoughts on the Harringay Gospel Campaign by Billy Graham.


Precious Seed Magazine Volume 7

Volume 7 brings us to 1955 and 1956 and one of the themes that seems to recur through this volume is that of Pentecostalism and so-called Charismatic gifts. This volume continues the series on New Testament Church Principles by A. G. CLARKE.


Precious Seed Magazine Volume 8

The latest volume in our archive series. As well as doctrinal subjects covered and articles on New Testament Church truth, the extensive Reports Section is a fascinating record of gospel activity. As before, there is much that will be of interest and blessing to the reader.


Precious Seed Magazine Volume 9

Volume 9 in our reprint of archive material covers parts of 1957 and 1958.


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