Series –

Unveiled – The History of The Kingdom of Heaven
Articles in this Series
Matthew chapter 13 rates alongside Leviticus chapter 23 and Revelation chapters 2 and 3 as a passage that unfolds future events before they happen. The Feasts, a calendar of Israel’s agricultural year…
The Parable of the Commencement of the Kingdom Parable No. 1 - The Sower and the Seed, v. 1-9, 18-23 It is recorded of the Lord, ‘Jesus [went] out of the house’. This may well symbolize the Lord turni…
Parable No. 2 Parable No. 3 Parable No. 4 The Wheat and the Tares The Mustard Seed The Leaven False Disciples False Development False Doctrine Parable No. 2 – The Wheat and the Tares vv. 24-3…
Parable No 5 Parable No 6 Parable No 7 The Treasure The Pearl The Dragnet Israel (a believing remnant) The Church Tribulation Saints Parable No. 5 The Treasure, v. 44 – Israel (a believing re…

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