Series –

Their Finest Hour
Articles in this Series
Elijah the prophet is given a prominent place in scripture. He is one of seven individuals in the Old Testament to be named as a ‘man of God’; one of two to appear on the Mount of Transfiguration with…
If the book of Esther had been the work of a secular writer it would undoubtedly be termed a ‘page-turner’! The narrative draws the reader on, and even for those familiar with the story there is a com…
The story of Nehemiah is a thrilling example of what can be achieved for God in the most adverse of circumstances. One man and a demoralized remnant of Jews in the city of Jerusalem faced with what ap…
Praying for the Restoration of Israel Daniel, whose name means ‘God is my Judge’, had many fine hours, despite being a captive servant of the Babylonian and Medo-Persian kings for most of his life. Co…
When it comes to the study of women in the Bible, there are those who find it easy to select Mary as the most prominent of all due to her role as the mother of our Lord Jesus Christ. If we were to cou…
Stephen, the first martyr of the church age, flashes on and off the page of Holy Scripture in just three action-packed chapters in the Acts of the Apostles, yet leaves a legacy that changed the course…
The example of Christ to follow Philip of Bethsaida is one of the privileged few who had the opportunity to live in close proximity to our Lord Jesus Christ during his years of public ministry. We so …
An Old Soldier’s Triumphant Finish BBC Radio 4 airs a programme called Great Lives, in which a celebrity picks a notable historical figure and describes their admirable qualities. Judging by spiritual…
Over 200 years ago a group of five men, including William Carey, met to discuss their vision for taking the gospel to India. One of their number, Andrew Fuller, later recalled the meeting: ‘Our undert…
Simon Peter was one of the most dynamic figures in biblical history. During his career in Christ’s service he accomplished several astonishing feats: walking on water, Matt. 14. 29; helping to feed th…
John wrote his Gospel that, ‘ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name’, 20. 31, and his first Epistle so that, ‘ye may know tha…

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