Series –

The Holy Spirit in the Gospel of John
Articles in this Series
It has sometimes bern said that the best textbook on the subject of the Holy Spirit is the Gospel of John, with particular reference to chapters 14 to 16. There are other references to His Person and …
‘The same is He which bapttsrtm with the Holy Ghost’. The phenomenon of the descending dove identified the Messiah to John the Baptist. It had been a remarkable incident, involving as it did the Trini…
‘Rabbi’, Nicodemus brcam, though he did not really believe that Jesus was a Rabbi. After all, He held no licence to preach from the high priest. He had not been to the schools. But He was a teacher, s…
It was the last day of the Feast of Tabernacles. Leviticus chapter 23 refers to it as one of the feasts of Jehovah. They were holy convocations, for their God was holy, vv. 2, 4. They were feasts, for…
Surely they must have misheard him? ‘Expedient for you that I go away’. How could that be? Surely He said ‘Expedient for Me’. That would be intelligible. It might be well for Him to exchange that life…

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