Series –

The Greatness of the Gospel
Articles in this Series
The apostle Paul had two specific and distinct ministries: one, the gospel, see Eph, 3. 7 and Col. 1. 23; the other, the assembly, Col. 1. 25. (The references in Colossians are both made more signific…
The Gospel of the Kingdom, Matt. 4. 23; 9. 35; 24. 14; kingdom of God, Mark. 1. 14; Luke 8. 1. This was the gospel preached to Israel by our Lord in His ministry, and it is therefore understandable th…
The Gospel of God Concerning His Son, Rom. 1. 1-3; Of His Son, 1. 9If the epistle to the Romans had a title, it would be this. The expression occurs right at the outset of the letter, in the context o…

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