Series –

The Epistles Analysed
Articles in this Series
INTRODUCTION, 1. 1-17. Opening Salutation, 1-7. Concerning the Gospel. The Promise, 2; The Person, 3; The Purpose, 5 – Obedience to the Faith. Personal Section, 8-17. Daily Prayers for them, 8-9; …
INTRODUCTION, 1. 1-9. Opening Salutation, 1-3. Thanksgiving, 4-9. Dissension in the Assembly, i. 10 to 4. 21. Reported to Paul. Its Existence, 1. 10-17. The Charge, 10-12. The Challenge, 13-17.…
INTRODUCTION, 1. 1-11. i. Opening Salutation, 1-2.Address, 1. Greeting, 2. ii. Fervent Thanksgiving, 3-11.The Consolation, 3-7. The Affliction, 8-11. 1. VINDICATION OF PAUL‘S ACTIONS, 1. 12 to 7. 16.i…
INTRODUCTION, I. 1-10 i. Salutation, 1-5. Address, 1-2. Greetings 3-5. ii. Reprobation, 6-10.Apostasy of the Galatians, 6-7. Anathema upon the Perverters, 8-9. Attitude of the Apostle, 10.1. THE APOLO…
INTRODUCTION, I. 1-2. i. Address, I. ii. Greeting, 2.1.DOCTRINAL SECTION – EXPOSITION, 1.3-2.22.THE CHRISTIAN AGE-HEAVENLY CALLING.i. Object of the Divine Purpose, 1. 2-14.a. Expression of Praise, 3.b…
INTRODUCTION, I. 1-2. i. Address, 1. ii. Greeting, 2.1. EXHIBITION OF LOVING CONCERN,1. 3-26.PAUL‘S SOLICITUDE FOR THE PHILIPPIANS.i. Thanksgiving for their Progress, 3-5. ii. Confidence regarding the…
INTRODUCTION, 1. 1-14.i. Address, I-2a.ii. Greeting, 2b.iii. Thanksgiving, 3-8.iv.Prayer, 9-14.1. PRE-EMINENT GLORY OF THE CHRIST, 1.15 to 2. 5;DOCTRINAL SECTION.i. Majesty of His Person, 1. 15-19. Tw…
INTRODUCTION, 1. 1. i. Address, la. ii. Greeting, lb.1.PERSONAL AND HISTORICAL SECTION, I. 2 to3; 3 . . , i. Thanksgiving for the Saints, 1. 1-10.a. Rendition, 2-4.b. Reason, 5. The Power of the Gospe…
INTRODUCTION, 1. 1-2. i. Address, 1. ii. Greeting, 2.1. PROPHETICAL SECTION, 1. 3 to 2. 17; THE DAYOF THE LORD. i. In Relation to Present Distress, 1. 3-12.a. Thanksgiving, 3-5. Rendition, 3a. Reason,…
We omit the analysis of Paul’s first Epistle to Timothy, since this has already appeared on page 112 in the July-August, 1961, issue of Precious Seed. INTRODUCTION, 1. 1-2. i. Address, 1, 2a. ii. Gr…
INTRODUCTION, 1. 1-4. i. Address, 1-4a. ii. Greeting, 4b.THEME-DIVINE ORDER IN THE ASSEMBLY,1. 5to 3. 14.1.THE ELDERSHIP-CHURCH CONTROL, 1. 5-16. CHARGE TO TITUS. i. The Nature of it, 6-9. Moral Quali…
13. PHILEMONINTRODUCTION,1-5. i. Address, 1-2. ii. Greeting, 3.1. COMMENDATION OF PHILEMON, 4-7.i. Expression of Thanksgiving, 4-6. Paul’s Prayers for Philemon. ii. Exhibition of Thoughtfulness, 7. Jo…
1. THE PRE-EMINENCE OF CHRIST.DOCTRINALSECTION, 1. 1 to 10. 18.i. In Relation to Old Covenant Individuals, 1. 1 to 7. 28.a. Superior to Prophets, 1. 1-3. Finality of the Christian Revela-tion.b. Super…
INTRODUCTION, 1. Address and Salutation.1.ENCOURAGEMENTS IN PRESENT AFFLICTION,1. 1-8. Patience and Prayer.2. EXHORTATION IN VIEW OF LIFE‘S TRANSIENCE,1. 9-11.Comparison – Life as the Grass. Poverty a…
INTRODUCTION, 1. 1-2. Address and Salutation. 1. THE CHRISTIAN PILGRIM’S EXPECTATION, 1. 3 to 2. 10. Salvation in view. i. Promised Destiny, 1. 3-5. The Living Hope. ii. Present Joy, 1. 6…
INTRODUCTION, 1. 1, 2. i. Address, 1. ii. Salutation, 2. 1. ADVANCE IN TRUE KNOWLEDGE, 1. 3-21. i. The Divine Provision, 3-4. ii. The Diligent Progress, 5-11. iii. The Declared Purpose, 12-15; ‘put…
INTRODUCTION, 1. 1-4. i. Theme Announced, 1-3. ii. Purpose Affirmed, 4. 1. FELLOWSHIP WITH GOD IN LIGHT, 1. 5 to 2. 29. i. Fellowship conditioned by Consistency, 1. 5 to 2. 11. The Family gene…
INTRODUCTION, 1-3. i. Address, 1-2. ii. Greeting, 3. Keynotes introduced – truth and love. 1. THE WALK OF BELIEVERS, 4-6. Demonstrating the truth, guiding the home. i. Walking in Truth, 4. The…
INTRODUCTION, 1-4. i. Salutation, 1. ii. Solicitude, 2. iii. Satisfaction, 3-4. 1. COMMENDATION OF GAIUS, 5-8. His Assistance to Servants of Christ. 2. DENUNCIATION OF DIOTREPHES, 9-10. His Arro…
INTRODUCTION, 1-4. i. Address, 1. ii. Salutation, 2. iii. Explanation, 3-4. Change of Purpose and its Cause. 1. PRESENCE OF APOSTATES – Exposition of Danger 5-16. Remembrance of Events, 5. i. Des…

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