Series –

The Epistle to the Galatians
Articles in this Series
The apostle had a twofold object in view in writing this Epistle to the churches of Galatia. 1. From the true spiritual character of the Christian revelation which had been brought to them in Paul’s p…
The apostle now proceeds, in the second paragraph, to speak both of the instruments used by God in the accomplish-ment of the intention of salvation, and of the intervention of the Enemy to thwart the…
We continue with the development of the four ideas contained in the section Galatians 1. 6 to 2. 16. (c) The Confirmation and Consolidation of the Work of the Gospel among the Gentiles, 2. 1-10. We ha…
We have now reached the second of the three main sections of this Epistle. CHAPTERS 3 AND 4 THE FULNESS OF CHRIST‘S REDEMPTION TO DELIVER FROM THE CURSE, CONDEMNATION AND CAPTIVITY OF THE LAW There ar…
We have now reached the second paragraph in the second of the three main sections of the Epistle. 2. The Meaning of the Law in the Design of God, 3. 15-29- (a)The Morality of the God of Promise and Co…
We now consider the third paragraph of the second main section of the Epistle. 3. The Ministry of the Spirit of Sonship, 4.1-31. In this third part of this section of the Epistle, the apostle turns bu…
We have now reached what we have suggested is the third main section of the Epistle. CHAPTERS 5 AND 6 THE FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT IN THE CHARACTER OF THE BELIEVER "The Spirit" is not mentioned at all in t…
We come now to the closing part of Paul’s message. We have seen that the sixth chapter is the continuation of chapter 5, these two chapters forming the last main section of the Epistle. In chapter 6, …

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