Series –

The Assembly – its Fellowship and Functions
Articles in this Series
The intention in this series of articles is to deal with the practical side of things. As an introductory paper, therefore, we have decided to write on the obligation laid upon every true believer to …
In the Christian era – the Church age – there are only two divinely-appointed ordinances which every true believer is expected to observe. The first is believer’s baptism (which formed the subject of …
There are two chapters in the New Testament which deal in particular with the subject of spiritual gifts. These are Ephesians 4 and 1 Corinthians 12. (Romans 12 also comments on the subject). In the E…
Our terms of reference for this paper are to suggest hints and helps for the profitable conduct of Ministry Meetings and Bible Readings. Ministry Meetings. A noticeable decline in number* over recent …
It is axiomatic that in the assembly everything should be done in a becoming and an orderly way - “by arrangement”. In God’s house there must be no confusion. All things must be subject to a divinely-…
Our subject this time indicates an aspect of the assembly’s functions which is very seldom taken up in the course of public ministry. Perhaps too little attention is paid to it in some local assemblie…
Probably most of us, by experience, find it harder to worship than to work. This may be the root reason why, in some assemblies today, service in the Gospel has somewhat displaced the exercise of wors…
Each assembly is responsible, in a corporate way, for the spread of the Gospel in its area. It is “the pillar and ground of the truth”— the pillar upon which the truth is inscribed and displayed for a…
We are living in days when the grotesque concept of “unisex” is gaining ground in the political and social spheres of our land, and is being increasingly adopted as the accepted practice in our societ…

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