Series –

The Assembly as Presented in Scripture
Articles in this Series
Introducing a series of studies entitled “The Assembly as Presented in Scripture.” Next month, “The Assembly as the Place of My Throne.” The Holy Scriptures are written, “not in the words which man’…
A series of studies on the Assembly as Presented in Scripture. The truth of the Lordship of Christ in the assembly should be kept prominently before the saints in ministry as giving character to the a…
The condition of the saints in Corinth was such, that when the Apostle wrote his first Epistle to them, he felt the need of repeated warning. In 8. 9, he warns against the spirit of inconsiderateness …
The apostle himself had laid the foundation of the work of God in Corinth. “The preaching of the Cross is … unto us which are saved … the power of God” (1: 18). This was the theme of Paul’s message, “…
In previous Articles Mr. Trew has brought forward the practical power of the fact that the local Assembly is characterised as “God’s Husbandry” and as “God’s Building.” We are now invited to study a t…
In the passage to which now we turn, the apostle designates the assembly, “Body of Christ”(1 Cor. 12: 27, lit.). The omission of the definite article is significant of the fact that the local assembly…
The word translated “flock” in Acts 20-28, and in 1 Peter 5. 2-3, is probably the diminutive form of the word so translated in John 10-16 (R.V.). Though the word is used by the Lord Jesus to designate…
It is to be recognized that “The House of God” is a term used in other passages of the New Testament of that which could not be contained within the limits of any locality (Heb. 3. 1-6; 10. 21;1Peter …

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