Series –

Study Notes on the Gospel of John
Articles in this Series
“Fourth “ Gospel.–The latest of the four Gospels and different in many respects from the other three; e.g. in its chronology, its greater emphasis on our Lord’s ministry in Jerusalem, and the manner a…
SUBJECT–The Word.STUDYPORTION–Chap.l.1-18. (A).The Declaration of Godhead. 1. Eternity of Being–vv. 1,2.” The same was in the beginning with God." 2. Creator of all things – v. 3.” All things were mad…
SUBJECT :The Witness of John – STUDY PORTION : chapter I, 19-36. Other passages for reading and study : Matt. 3. 1-16; 11. 1-15 ; Mark 1. 1-11; 6. 14-30 ; Luke 3. 1-22 ; 7. 24-30; John 3. 23-36.(Quota…
SUBJECT : The first Disciples, ‘They heard the call.’ STUDY PORTION : John 1. 37-51 OUTLINE THESE VERSES ARE A LESSON in men and motives, characters and contacts. Man manufactures patterns of uniformi…
Subject – IN CANA OF GALILEE. The First Sign. Study Portion – Chapter 2. 1-11 (Quotations from R.V.) OUTLINE Verse 11, ‘This beginning of miracles did Jesus in Cana of Galilee’. A note on miracles: Fo…
OUTLINE A lesson in the power of Christ and the progress of faith. The occasion, v. 46, ‘so Jesus came again into Cana of Galilee, where he had made the water wine’. This explanatory associa-tion of p…
OUTLINE 1. THE CIRCUMSTANCES, V. I. ‘There was a feast of the Jews, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem’. It is perhaps significant that this occasion is designated ‘a feast of the Jews’ and not as it was …
Subject -THE FEEDING OF THE FIVE THOUSAND. The Fourth Sign. Study Portion – Chapter 6. 1-15. Other passages for reading and study: Matt. 14. 15-23; Mark 6. 39-44; Luke 9. 14-17. (Quotations from A.V. …
Subject – WALKING ON THE SEA. The Fifth Sign. Study portion – Chapter 6. 14-21. Parallel passages for reading and study – Matt. 14. 22-33; Mark 6. 45-52. OUTLINE 1. GRACIOUS PURPOSE This incident is r…
Subject – THE HEALING OF THE BLIND MAN.The Sixth Sign. Study portion – Chapter 9. 1-41. OUTLINE Here is a chapter of Questions and Answers. Note carefully the people who ask the questions, and the ans…
Subject – THE RAISING OF LAZARUS. The Seventh Sign. Study portion – Chapter 11. 1-27. THERE ARE THREE OCCASIONS in the Gospels when the Lord Jesus raised the dead, namely: a.A young girl of twelve ye…
Subject -THEBREADOF LIFE.TheFirstWonderful Saying. Study Portion – Chapter 6. OUTLINE THE CONTEXT, VV. 1-34. a. Multitude and Miracle – vv. 1-26. With five barley loaves and two small fishes, from the…
Subject – THELIGHT OF THEWORLD. The Second Wonderful Saying. Study Portion – Chapter 8. 12-59. OUTLINE Trace three vital principles through John’s Gospel – LIFE, LIGHT and LOVE. In our last study the …
Subject -THE DOOR AND THE GOOD SHEPHERD. The Third and Fourth Wonderful Sayings. Study Portion – Chapter 10. 1-31. OUTLINE We take these two wonderful sayings of the Saviour together in our present s…
Subject – THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE. The FifthWonderful Saying. Study Portion – Chapter 11. 1-46. OUTLINE In a previous article we considered the Wonderful Sign of the Raising of Lazarus; we now…
Subject -THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE. The Sixth Wonderful Saying. Study Portion – Chapter 13. 31-38; 14. 1-31. OUTLINE THE OCCASION WAS A UNIQUE ONE, for the Saviour had gathered His own together …
Subject – THE TRUE VINE. The Seventh Wonderful Saying. Study Portion – Chapter 15. OUTLINE A lesson in fruit-bearing The Figure Employed THE SYMBOL OF THE VINE was one familiar to Jewish ears both in …
Subject- NICODEMUSANDHISCONVERSATIONWITH THE LORD JESUS. Study Portion – Chapter 3. 1-21. OUTLINE Note three interesting conversations in the Gospel of John involving - 3. 1-21. A man with a religious…
OUTLINE IN OUR LAST LESSON the Lord Jesus talked with a man who had a religious problem, a member of the Jewish Sanhedrin. Now He is talking to a woman with a moral problem, an outcast and despised Sa…
Subject – CONVERSATION WITH UNBELIEVING JEWS.Study Portion – Chapter 8. 30-59.OUTLINETHESE VERSES relate the third conversation we arc to study in the Gospel. We have noted previously -1. The conversa…
Subject: THE LAST DAYS. Study Portion: Chapter 12. 1-33.OUTLINEJOHN SELECTS THREE INCIDENTS in this last week of our Lord’s earthly life:The feast at Bethany, vv. 1-11.The triumphant entry into Jerusa…
Subject – THE LAST DAYS, continued. Study Portion – Chapters 13-16, inclusive.OUTLINEThe Grace of the Saviourch. 13. 1-20and Lesson in HumilityTHE LORD JESUS has now turned from the publicity of the c…
Subject: THE PRAYER AND PASSION OF THE SAVIOUR. Study Portion: Chapters 17, 18, and 19.OUTLINEThese chapters have been called the ‘Holy of Holies’ of the Gospel of John. In them the mind of Christ is …
Subject - ‘EASTER’ and the ‘EPILOGUE’. Study Portion ~ Chapters 20 and 21.OUTLINEMorningvv. 1-18WE NOW COMB TO THE FULFILMENT of the Saviour’s words ‘Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise…

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