Series –

Studies in Galatians
Articles in this Series
STUDY 1 Galatians is an epistle that defends, defines and demonstrates in life, God’s one gospel in Christ Jesus. The book can be divided into three movements of thought in its six chapters. These mov…
WE NOW COME TO THE SECOND MAJOR PART OF GALATIANS. Chapters 2. 16 –5. 12 A question of salvation Terms: Is the gospel what God does for man or what man does for God, or a bit of both? Central question…
Terms: Is the gospel what God does for man or what man does for God, or a bit of both? Central question: What do we believe? In our last study we considered the terms of God’s salvation as revealed i…
CHAPTERS 2.16 - 5.12 A Question of Salvation (Continued) Terms: Is the gospel what God does for man or what man does for God; or a bit of both? Central question: What do we believe? In Part 3 we cons…
CHAPTERS 5-6 – A QUESTION OF LIFESTYLE We progress in the third and final major part of Galatians Principle: Is the gospel outward rules or inward reality that changes us? Central question: How do w…
Principle: Is the gospel outward rules or inward reality that changes us? Central question: How do we live? In our last article on chapter 5 we considered the principle of the indwelling Spirit of God…

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