Series –

Studies in 1 Peter
Articles in this Series
Peter’s letters are written in fulfilment of the ministry committed to him by the Lord Jesus in the words, “Feed my sheep”. He sees the flock of God as “scattered” widely, probably as the result of th…
The theme of 1 Peter 1. 3-12 is the work of God – Father, Son and Spirit – for men, and this is unfolded in three para-graphs, the first of which describes “The work of the Father”, vv. 3-5, as the gr…
These studies are concerned with tracing the work of God -Father, Son and Spirit -for, in and through His people. Having already considered the work of the Father in the salvation of men, we now turn …
Earlier papers in this series have traced the work of God -Father, Son and Holy Spirit – for the salvation of men. Peter now turns, as a natural sequence of thought, to the work of God in men – namely…
3. THE WORK OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, 1. 22-25 The previous paper dealing with sanctification. was concerned with the bearing on Christian life of relationship with the Father, and of the redeeming work of …
Thus far in these papers we have considered the work of God for men and in men. The remaining section of the opening part of the Epistle is concerned once again with the work of God, but now with the …
2. THE WORK OF THE SON, 2. 4-8 The first paragraph of this section, 2. 1-3, has spoken of development in ourselves, but the second speaks of activity Godward. It describes the work of the Son of God, …
THE WORTH OF THE FATHER, 2. 9-10 Scripture is not wanting in examples to show that God’s portion has precedence over man’s, and it is fitting that sanctuary service should precede witness in the world…

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