Series –

Some Old Testament Mothers
Articles in this Series
‘Take this child away, and nurse it for me’, Exod. 2. 9. All the sons of the Israelites were condemned to die by Pharoah’s order. For three months, Moses’ parents had hidden him. ‘They were not afrai…
A Mother’s Influence ‘HER CHILDREN ARISE UP, AND CALL HER BLESSED’, Prov. 31. 28. Helen Young writes, ‘There will come a time when there’ll be no more slamming of doors, no more toys to pick up on the…
Naomi had never thought to hear such words again. They were spoken with good-natured humour by her neighbours because she ‘took the child, and laid it in her bosom, and became nurse unto it’. Yet Naom…
The Mother who yearned over her son, 1 Kings 3. 16-28. The wisdom of Solomon ‘She is the mother thereof’, are the words of Solomon’s judgement in 1 Kings 3. 27 With this judgement, Solomon established…

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