Series –

Some Lessons from the Chronicles
Articles in this Series
Seeing that whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning (Rom. 15.i), it follows that spiritual profit is to be derived from a consideration of The Chronicles. These ‘temple …
The Chronicles were written subsequent to the reign of Hezekiah. The mention of his days shows they were remote (4. 41). Judah’s captivity is referred to as long since (6. 15) and the closing words we…
In the Scriptures men are occasionally likened to trees, and influences that affect them to winds that blow, swaying them, now this way, now that. The figure illustrates the way in which The Chronicle…
JEHOSHAPHAT The Epochs of His Reign, The 25 years of Jehoshaphat’s reign divide naturally into five periods. In them different influences produced very different results. During the first, devotion to…
The Final Phase. We are not told of any repentance on Jehoshaphat’s part for his sin with Ahab. So valued by the Lord is the tender plant of repentance and contrition that, had it developed, it is lik…
JOASH AND AMAZIAH The apprehension of much of the Old Testament, and the interpretation of much of its instruction to meet the needs of our time, depend upon mi understanding of the ministries of prop…
FOUR ATTITUDES TO THE HOUSE OF THE LORD The reigns of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah are grouped in the Holy Scriptures. The statement that Isaiah’s ministry was sustained through the course of the…

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