Series –

Shepherds And Shepherding
Articles in this Series
CHRIST THE EXAMPLE SHEPHERD Before thinking then about how individuals should be exercised about such service, we should first look briefly at the ways in which the scriptures portray the Lord Jesus …
AN UNLIKELY CANDIDATE? Of all people seemingly unlikely to be a real shepherd, Jacob would come high on any list. A basic requirement of all shepherds is that they set the needs and welfare of their s…
Of all the Old Testament characters whom we know as having been shepherds, the first to come to mind is almost certain to be David, Psalm 23 sees to that! Then, as well as being told a great deal abou…
Abel’s shepherd ministry – in his times Abel is the first of a number of Old Testament individuals who we are told were occupied with the care of sheep. The word used for ‘keeper’ in this case convey…

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