Series –

Prophetic Insights
Articles in this Series
In addressing the truth of the Lord’s return, the difficulty lies, not in uncovering the facts, but rather in rediscovering its freshness. It is true that the passing of time seems to have dulled some…
We are living in unnerving times. Daily our society produces items of news that provide us, as believers, with an ever deepening concern regarding just where we are heading and what will be next. Perh…
All quotations are from the King James Version Over recent years, outstanding events have indicated that God’s prophetic programme for the end time is imminent. Most significant was the proclamation o…
THE TITLE OF HIS COMINGThe title ‘The Son of Man’, when used of and by the Lord Jesus, usually has the article. It is first used in connection with His coming in glory to reign over the earth in Danie…

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