Series –

Portraits of the Prophets
Articles in this Series
The prophets of Israel were significant figures in the history of the nation. Their voices were heard and their work was done as evidence of their involvement in the nation’s affairs. It has been well…
The ministry of Amos, the earliest of the written prophets, is both rugged and direct. He communicates with un-compromising sincerity the burden of his heart concerning the Northern Kingdom of Israel.…
All Quotations are taken from the Revised Version Hosea has been called the patriot from Mount Ephraim. The slightest acquaintance with his writing will show the contrast between his prophecy and that…
All Quotations are taken from the Revised Version The ministry of Isaiah of Jerusalem was unique in many ways. He has been called the king of the prophets. His message came to the nation at a time of …
All Quotations are taken from the Revised Version Jeremiah, the prophet of Judah, is a character who seems to defy description. He has been called the weeping prophet. He has also been described as th…
Ezekiel was the first of the prophets of the exile. He was carried away from Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar, in the first deportation of the nation, about eleven years before the final destruction of the…
In studying the life of Zechariah and the part he played in the history of Israel, we are dealing with the times that followed the Babylonian exile. Little is known about his origin and background apa…
The Book of Daniel has a distinctive character which sets it apart among the books of the Old Testament. We learn much about the prophet himself from its contents. Daniel was among the first of Judah …
In each of the messages of the pro-phets, there is a content of judgment. In some this is more evident than in others. All the prophets denounced faithfully the evils of their times. With these denoun…

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