Series –

Personalities In The Pastoral Epistles
Articles in this Series
Introduction The last letters written by the apostle Paul were to Timothy and Titus, the socalled Pastoral Epistles. In them the apostle referred to some twenty-seven people by name ranging from those…
Those who were a delight to Paul: Timothy (continued) Timothy never met Paul in Troas and in all probability he never got down to Corinth. In fact, when Paul arrived in Troas, he did not find Titus, …
Eunice and her mother Lois lived in Lystra in southern Galatia (modern-day Turkey). They were Jewesses, but, by the time we read about them, Eunice had married a Greek and had a grown-up, but uncircum…
TITUS Titus was one of Paul’s fellow-workers who, over the space of nearly twenty years, undertook some difficult and demanding tasks at Paul’s instigation. The apostle was involved with Titus from hi…
Those who were a delight to Paul (continued) Luke (meaning: ‘light’, ‘bright’, ‘white’) Luke was a Gentile physician who joined Paul’s party in Troas, the major sea port on the western coast of Asia M…
The Jewish Rabbi Jehuda wrote that ‘He who does not teach his son a trade is much the same as if he taught him to be a thief’. This was in addition to any academic training that a son might have been …
Apollos When Apollos, a Jew from Alexandria in Egypt, turned up at the synagogue at Ephesus, he made quite an impression with his speaking. As far as it went, his teaching was very good, being marked …
Paul intended to send relief to Titus, who was working on the island of Crete, so that he could be free to meet him at Nicopolis. This relief was to be in the person of either Artemas or Tychicus, Tit…
Those who were a disappointment to PaulDemas (meaning: popular) Demas was a fellow-labourer with the apostle Paul and was with him during his first imprisonment,1 but deserted him during his second, 2…

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