Series –

Paul, the Runner
Articles in this Series
He was purpose driven from the time he was a child With a little exaggeration, Saul of Tarsus was born running. He writes, ‘I was given a thorough Jewish training from my earliest childhood’, Acts 26.…
It is not easy to accept that you have made a fundamental mistake. Every true athlete is fully committed to his sport. He may be in the spotlight just briefly, but that moment is the result of years o…
‘The excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord'1 Many will have heard of the athlete from Africa who was running in a long-distance race far from his homeland. During the race he suffered a…
‘The excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord’1 A common definition for knowledge is the accumulation of information, facts. Students accumulate information and facts for writing a thesis f…
Commitment without passion leads to drudgery, a formal, but joyless, experience. There are men and women who hold responsible positions in local churches who give no evidence of enthusiasm as they ful…
Text: Philippians 3. 4-14. Unless otherwise stated scripture quotations are taken from The New King James Version As a former enemy of the Christian community, Paul expresses amazement that he, too, …

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