Series –

Notes on Galatians
Articles in this Series
WRITER.Paul, 1. 1. TIME OF WRITING.Between 2 Cor. and Romans, possibly A.D. 57. PLAGE OF WRITING.Greece, possibly Corinth. Acts 20. l-.'i. THEME. A defence of the doctrine of justification by faith al…
JUSTIFICATION BY FAITH ALONE (Verses 1-14) Verse 1. Paul, reckoning that their defection was due to lack of thought, asks who had misled them by plausible arguments. The suffering of Jesus Christ, cru…
THE BELIEVER‘S ADOPTION AS A SON (Verses 4-11)Verse 1. Paul develops the thought of “ heirs according to promise." 3. 29. As long as the heir is a. minor, one needing a pedagogue, 3. 24, he is like a …
THE RESULTS OF LEGALISM (Verses 1-12)Verse 1. Christ has set us free from bondage to serve God in freedom. We do not well to go backwards, therefore, and be held in by any kind of yoke. The yoke is he…
BURDEN BEARING (Verses 1-5)Verse 1. Paul considers the case of one who might have done some of the things he has been condemning, and shows how he should be dealt with. If the slip has overcome him be…

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