Series –

Notes from Numbers
Articles in this Series
The aim of this present series is not to provide a detailed exposition of this book (for this the reader will need to refer to a more exhaustive commentary) but to indicate from “things … written afor…
Chapters 5 to 10. 10 relate to: The Purification of the Camp, chs. 5 and 6; The Provision for Service, chs. 7 and 8; and The Prospect of Advance, chs. 9 to 10. 10. The Purification of the Camp, Chs. 5…
In this paper we arrive at the second main section of the book: From Sinai to the Plains of Moab, and Progress through the Desert, chs. 10. 11 to 22. 1. The wanderings in the wilderness covered a peri…
In this paper we shall consider Repetitions, Regulations and Reminders, ch. 15; Rebellion and Retribution, ch. 16; Recognition and Responsibility of priesthood, ch. 17 and 18; and Removal of Impurity,…
The section we shall now consider deals with the events leading to the final stage of the journey to Canaan and the encampment in the plains of Moab. Murmuring at Meribah, 20. 1-21 Once more the peopl…
With this paper we arrive at the third main section of the book: In the Plains of Moab, and the Prospects and Division of the Land, 22. 2 to 36. 13. The chapters now to be considered describe the char…
The concluding chapters 26-36 reiterate Jehovah’s promises and plans for His people, and include: Numberings, 26. 1-65; Laws, 27. 1 to 30.16; 36. 1-13; and Instructions, 31. 1 to 35. 34. Numberings, 2…
Our final paper deals with a series of miscellaneous instructions which relate to: The Avenging of Midian, ch. 31; The Allotment of Gilead, ch. 32; The Advance from Egypt, ch. 33; The Allocation of th…

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