Series –

Mountains of Scripture
Articles in this Series
This mountain is among the better known ones in Scripture. Since it was the place where the law was given, ‘Sinai’ has become almost synonymous with ‘law’ in the minds of most believers; in considerin…
In our PREVIOUS paper, we firstly considered the theme of Zion as the place of God’s choice, similar in thought to the choice of the Assembly in Christ before its formation at Pentecost. Secondly, we …
All quotations are from the Revised VersionThe name ‘Moriah’ occurs only twice in Scripture, namely in Genesis 22. 2 and 2 Chronicles 3. 1. From each of these scriptures we shall briefly trace through…
The city of Jerusalem was built upon four hills, mount Zion lying towards the south-west and mount Moriah towards the east. Immediately on the east outside the city in the valley of Jehoshaphat, flowe…
Carmel Carmel means ‘the fruitful place’, and speaks of that spiritual condition envisaged in John 15. 1-8 and Galatians 5. 22-23, where fruitfulness is produced by the Spirit through the Son to the F…
Zion is mentioned more than any other mountain in the Scriptures, and most often in Isaiah and the Psalms. It is a principle of sound interpretation to accept Scriptural statements literally unless th…
The manifold references to Mount Zion, which would also include the Holy City since in the mind of God these two are one, show clearly that it is very precious to God. His eye has been upon it from th…
It is a fascinating story which John unfolds in the fourth chapter of his Gospel. He tells us how a Samaritan woman, seeking to satisfy a natural thirst, comes face to face with Jesus the Messiah and …
The knowledge of the coming kingdom and glory of the Lord Jesus Christ is not something known by the natural senses, for when these are operative the rational mind would conclude that ‘all things cont…
Book Reviews in this Series
Mount Zion is the most prominent mountain in Scripture, and as such it is found to be the most prolific for spiritual study. Two papers will develop its historical import; in a third paper its prophet…

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