Series –

His Own
Articles in this Series
THE WORLD HAS ITS OWN (Jn. 15. 9) : it loves them and gives to them its places of honour and fame, bestows upon them its glory. It hates “ His Own “ and that alone is enough to prove conclusively its …
ASSTATEDINTHEPREVIOUSARTICLE, each of the words we are considering needs to be associated with another word in order to bring out the meaning of both. In this case the second word is, of course, “ Mas…
As IN THE PREVIOUS ARTICLES, the word we are considering must be associated with a second word, in this case Teacher, to bring out the meaning.In his Expository Dictionary Mr. W. E. Vine states that a…
As PREVIOUSLY MENTIONED each of the words we are considering in these articles requires to be associated with another word to bring out the meaning of both. Hitherto the second has been a different wo…
‘But go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend to my Father, and your Father; and to my God, and your God’, John 20. 17.IN THE LAST ARTICLE we noticed that, with the thought of friendship, we arr…

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