Series –

Hezekiah’s Revival
Articles in this Series
If we were to consider which two kings stood out as the most notable in the history of Judah, following the division of the kingdom in the days of Rehoboam, surely Hezekiah and Josiah would be amongst…
Hezekiah’s Priorities If revival starts by a desire to return to the simplicity of first principles, it is important for that desire to be matched by zeal. Zeal characterized this man for we read, ‘In…
The extent of Hezekiah’s confession is instructive. He does not skate over offences. As he seeks forgiveness so he is open and frank about the extent of the problem. He states clearly: 'our fathers h…
His Command It is worth noting the central position that Hezekiah plays. We read: 'he brought in the priests and the Levites’, 2 Chr. 19. 4; ‘And he commanded the priests’, v. 21; ’the king commanded…

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