Series –

Concise Notes on Levitical Offerings
Articles in this Series
It is recognized that these ‘Notes’ are far from exhaustive. They are suggestive only and it is fervently hoped that many will be stimulated to further study of this much neglected yet immensely profi…
Other Names. Ascending offering; approach offering; (Hebrew ‘olak’), Lev. 1. 6. 8-13.Relevant Scriptures. Psalm 40; Gospel of John.I. PRIMARY PURPOSEACCEPTANCE OF THE APPROACHING ISRAELITE as an appro…
As indicated in our last issue, we now include the second half of the article on THE BURNT OFFERING.We trust you will re-read the first part to gain full benefit from the article.2. THE CONTINUAL BURN…
3. THE MEAL OFFERING I. Full Name ‘Oblation of a meal (i.e. food) offering’ (Heb. ‘Qorban minchah’), Lev. 2; 6. 14-18. II. Relevant Scriptures Psalms 1 and 16. All four Gospels. III. Primary Purpose A…
I. Other Name ‘Prosperity offering’ (Heb. ‘shelem’), Lev. 3; 7. 11-21, 28-34. II. Relevant Scriptures Psalm 85; Gospel of Luke. III. Primary Purpose Afforded opportunity for the worshipping Israelite …
I. Other NamesGuilt offering; debt offering; Hebrew ‘asham’; ‘ashmah’. Lev. 5. 14 to 6. 7; 7. 1-7; Num. 5. 5-8.II. Relevant ScripturesPs. 69; Isa. 53. 5, R.V.M.; Gospel of Matthew. III. Primary Purpos…
1. In the sweet savour offerings the offerer came as a devoted worshipper to render in his unblemished substitute that which brought grateful satisfaction to God. In the non-savour offerings the offer…

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