Series –

Christ in the Prison Epistles
Articles in this Series
The object of all Bible study has in view the exaltation of our Lord, the enriching of our lives, and the em-powering of our labour. We must translate into factors of power every living promise made t…
There is, perhaps, no writing in the book of God so majestic and so won-derful as the Epistle to the Ephesians. Here we reach the very pinnacle of spiritual knowledge, the summit of revealed truth, th…
The Philippian letter breathes the atmosphere of heaven, and as we view our Lord Jesus under different titles (telling us of His grace in birth, His greatness even in death, the glory that is now His,…
As we pass into the Colossian letter we have a totally different aspect of the Lord Jesus in relation to our Christ-ian life. The burden and prayer of the apostle is that the saints may come to an exp…
One of the first impressions we obtain on reading this Epistle is that of the recurring references to the Lord Jesus Christ. He is directly mentioned eleven times in these twenty-five verses. Surely t…

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