Series –

Cameos in the Life of David
Articles in this Series
Here is the first of a series of interesting and instructive articles entitled CAMEOS IN THE LIFE OF DAVID illustrating from Old Testament History conditions and problems which meet us in the religiou…
During the first 30 years of Israel’s history in the land, as in the wilderness before then, the Lord ruled over them (Num. 23: 21; Jud. 8: 23). This theo­cratic form of government was the highest the…
Jonathan is one of the most charming personalities and one of the most attractive of Bible characters. He was a man of sincere faith (1 Sam. 14 : 6), and of great courage and devotion to duty (1 Sam. …
Saul’s rejection by the Lord (1 Sam. 16: 1) and his removal from the throne did not coincide. Years elapsed before the verdict passed upon Saul was executed. Hence the signal victory over Goliath did …
ADULLAM THE first period of David’s rejection was spent in hiding. It lasted about 5 years. (1 Sam. 22-26). He abode in the Cave of Adullam, and in the wilderness in strongholds. They were days of per…
To follow David in his rejection, especially in the earlier days, was tantamount to counting all things but loss, for the fellowship of his sufferings. It needed both the vision and the courage of fai…
Appreciation of this series grows. Read the preceding articles again and you will probably appreciate valuable points you missed at the first reading. The last years of David’s reign were sad ones. Th…
Appreciation of this series grows. Read the preceding articles again and you will probably appreciate valuable points you missed at the first reading. Absalom’s rebellion, though tragic and serious, w…
This final article in a valuable series has very practical applications to present day conditions. To few men have been granted the privileges that were enjoyed by David. Few have risen to such height…

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