Series –

Bible Doctrine
Articles in this Series
(I) The event declared. The apostle Paul, in his summary of the Christian message, wrote to the church at Corinth in these words, “ I delivered unto you first of all … how that Christ died for our sin…
It has been said that “ the glory of our Christianity is that it never views life as being complete in this world. It always has its eyes lifted to the morning, and gazes out upon the eternities, reco…
THE history of the life of our Lord Jesus upon earth did not end, with His death but with His ascension into Heaven. He remained in the world 40 days after His Resurrection, and during that period Me …
We are on safe ground only if we read carefully what the Bible says on this important subject, and, though recognizing the fact that the ‘ infinite ‘ cannot be expressed in terms of the ‘ finite.’ adh…
THE wide scope of this important subject will not permit more than a brief consideration of the activities of the Spirit of Cod in a fivefold aspect of truth. In this paper we shall deal with His work…
IN our last paper we considered the Spirit’s work in Creation, Conviction and ConversionWe shall now refer to His work in relation to the Christian believer. The Promise of The Spirit. In John 14. 16,…
The Apostle Paul writing to the saints at Ephesus and to the faithful in Christ Jesus, reminds them that they have been blessed with every spiritual blessing in the heavenlies in Christ. Such a positi…
THE TERM “redemption “ occurs both in the Old and New-Testaments. and the idea of purchase with a view to freedom was well-known to the Hebrew of the Old Testament and the Greek and Roman of the New. …
“God deviseth means (literally, thinketh thoughts), that he that is banished be not an outcast from Him.” These were the words of the wise woman of Tekoah, as, at the instigation of Joab, she sought t…
THE word “atonement" is essentially an Old Testament word, where it occurs some 70 times or more. It is found but once in the Authorized Version of the New Testament; the Revised Version, however, tra…
A Supreme Question THREE times in the book of Job the question occurs, “How can a man be just before God” (Job. 4. 17, R.V. margin; 9. 2; 25. 4). Perhaps the first suggestion of the true solution to t…
THE Old Testament words rendered sanctify, or sanctification, imply setting apart to sacred purposes or to consecrate, and have various applications in the Old Testament. We read, for instance, of hol…
IT is to be feared that in these ever busy days the study of the Scriptures is being neglected by young believers. Yet we are enjoined to “ search the scriptures “ (John 5. 39), to “ Give attention to…
THE Bible is in many respects unlike all other books. Men who write books are supposed to understand what they write, but the “ Spirit of Christ “ who was in the old-time prophets caused them to write…

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