The Amazing Journey
Author: Mark Reynolds
Publisher: Decapolis Press Publications

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The Amazing Journey is a collection of short stories giving you an idea of what happens in the Bible from the first book (Genesis) to the last book (Revelation). The Bible is an amazing book and The Amazing Journey will help you to get to know it.

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The Amazing Journey

We are sorry, but this title is no longer available to order in print format. It is available
from this website as an E-book in both Epub and Mobi formats.

As his father died when Mark Reynolds was only twelve years of age, he became an angry young man with no time for God. He spent six years as a military reservist before serving in the army for twenty-two years. It was whilst serving in Germany that he started reading a book about the biblical predictions concerning Jesus. Realizing that the Bible was true, he came to faith in Christ.

Thus, the final twenty of his forty-eight years in military uniform have been as an evangelist with the Soldiers and Airmen’s Scripture Readers Association. It was in this capacity that he went into barrack rooms telling soldiers of their need of Jesus. Now in semi-retirement, he serves as a ‘Free Church’ chaplain with the prison service.

The Bible is made up of sixty-six ‘books’. It was God who inspired or ‘directed’ authors to write what He wanted them to write over a span of 1,500 years.

The amazing thing is that from the start to the finish, all the thirty-six or more authors over that stretch of time were always telling the same story - how an all-powerful, all-knowing, absolutely perfect and holy God wants us to join Him in heaven one day. The Old Testament tells the story of things that lead up to the coming of Jesus Christ, God’s answer to man’s sin problem (sin is the wrong things we all do, and that is not allowed in heaven). The New Testament tells of what happened when Jesus got here to earth, and what happens next.

The Amazing Journey is a collection of short stories giving you an idea of what happens in the Bible from the first book (Genesis) to the last book (Revelation). The Bible is an amazing book and The Amazing Journey will help you to get to know it.



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The Amazing Journey


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