Spiritual Renewal
A Symposium on The Charismatic Question
Author: Frank Holmes
Publisher: Precious Seed

It is a surprising discovery that Pentecostalism is a plant which can flourish in practically every denomination. Even in the 1950’s this would have been deemed absurd. Perhaps no one is as amazed as the old fashioned Pentecostal who was trained to expect opposition from the various branches of Christendom.

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Spiritual Renewal

It is a surprising discovery that Pentecostalism is a plant which can flourish in practically every denomination. Even in the 1950's this would have been deemed absurd. Perhaps no one is as amazed as the old fashioned Pentecostal who was trained to expect opposition from the various branches of Christendom. It would be very difficult to think of any other movement which could possibly spread through all denominations, for other movements cut across sectarian views. But the idea of a Spirit baptism which leads to the possession of supernatural gifts has been reconciled with the most diverse ecclesiastical systems.

The present volume is an attempt to face the issues involved in this rapid spread of charismatic teaching and practice. The writers differ on certain points, but feel that the fellowship and discipline of working together must result in the production of a more useful book than any single one of them might have produced. It has been necessary to devote much space to the discussion of Biblical evidence, but the book moves towards a practical conclusion, and it is hoped that it will help readers to a richer and deeper spiritual life.



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Spiritual Renewal


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