An Exposition
Author: Keith Keyser
Publisher: Precious Seed

In the Introduction to this commentary Keith Keyser remarks, ‘The pages of this comparatively short epistle pulsate with a strange mixture of suffering and joy’.



In the Introduction to this commentary Keith Keyser remarks, ‘The pages of this comparatively short epistle pulsate with a strange mixture of suffering and joy’.

The Philippian Christians were suffering, as Paul himself was, under the world’s persecution. Many believers in many different countries still do. On the other hand, all of us sooner or later suffer simply as the inevitable consequence of being members of a fallen race.

Keith Keyser, himself no stranger to suffering, here shares with us what strength and comfort – and indeed what joy – he has himself found in the study of this Epistle. Not that he has been content to concentrate on a few, particularly comforting, phrases. With prodigious energy he has investigated every verse, and indeed every phrase in every verse. And not content simply to give his own preferred interpretation in difficult or disputed passages, he has in the course of his exposition cited some 55 other commentators, and some 20 academic journals.

This commentary, therefore, could be of special value in public Bible readings, particularly where discussion follows the practice of examining the Biblical text verse by verse, and even phrase by phrase.



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