OT Overview – Volume 1
Author: Richard Catchpole
Publisher: Precious Seed

In this particular volume, Richard Catchpole provides us with an overview of the books that detail the creation of life, the fall, the reestablishment of man’s relationship with God on the basis of sacrifice, the flood, God’s call of Abram, the establishment of a nation, the Exodus from Egypt, as well as the life of the patriarchs.


OT Overview – Volume 1

In this particular volume, Richard Catchpole provides us with an overview of the books that detail the creation of life, the fall, the reestablishment of man's relationship with God on the basis of sacrifice, the flood, God's call of Abram, the establishment of a nation, the Exodus from Egypt, as well as the life of the patriarchs. Indeed, as has been said, these passages are the very seed plot of the scriptures. However, in one sense, a study of this volume and the scriptures that it seeks to cover will provide a wealth of material on the character of God. This is evident in God's dealings with key personalities such as Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Job, and Moses. It is also seen in the tabernacle and its furniture, all of the parts being a picture of the person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ. Could there be any better occupation than a meditation upon Christ?



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OT Overview – Volume 1
