Engaging with 2 Corinthians
A Commentary with Exegetical and Expository Notes
Author: John Bennett and Brian Clatworthy
Publisher: Precious Seed

It is probably fair to say that whilst Paul’s Second Epistle to the Corinthians receives less attention in public ministry than other New Testament Epistles, there are many verses which are known and beloved by believers. This commentary seeks to help the reader to understand the text, both by summary as well as a more detailed exposition.


Engaging with 2 Corinthians

It is probably fair to say that whilst Paul’s Second Epistle to the Corinthians receives less attention in public ministry than other New Testament Epistles, there are many verses which are known and beloved by believers. This commentary seeks to help the reader to understand the text, both by summary as well as a more detailed exposition.

Although one of the lesser-known letters written by the Apostle Paul, no other letter reveals the heart of the apostle as this one, especially as he confronts his problematic Corinthian converts. This book seeks to be a comprehensive and insightful commentary that includes both expository and exegetical notes on each verse as well as a summary of each chapter so that the reader can quickly grasp the overall thrust of Paul’s arguments.



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Engaging with 2 Corinthians
