Day by Day Psalms
Day by Day Series
Author: Various Authors
Publisher: Precious Seed

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This book will help the reader capture some of the beauties contained in the Psalter. It is not a straight-through, systematic reading of the Psalms, but an unfolding of some of the major themes contained therein.


Day by Day Psalms

This book will help the reader capture some of the beauties contained in the Psalter. It is not a straight-through, systematic reading of the Psalms, but an unfolding of some of the major themes contained therein. Its aim is to be practical and devotional, designed to touch the heart with some of the spiritual treasures enshrined in these ‘songs from experience’. It will be noticed that many Psalms are used several times, looking at the Psalms from different angles, but all with the desire that some of the many contemporary needs of the people of God may be daily met, and that faith, hope and love may be stimulated and deepened.



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Day by Day Psalms
