Day by Day Prayer
Day by Day Series
Author: Various Authors
Publisher: Precious Seed

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Day by Day Prayer

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In life we accept that there are certain elements that are essential to our physical survival, such as breathing, eating and drinking, taking exercise, resting. These are the basic necessities of life, and deprivation of any one of them must lead to a deterioration in the quality, or even loss, of life. Again, we all know that the adoption of a proper, recommended life-style leads to a good condition of general health, and physical fitness. It is so for ‘born again’ Christians in their new way of life! They too must realize there are other vital elements that cannot be neglected. Proper practices must be followed if we aspire towards a healthy spiritual life-style. In any compiled list of elements deemed essential for our spiritual survival or, better, our spiritual health and vigour, prayer must rank high in priority. This book will enable all of us to appreciate the nature and value of prayer.



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Day by Day Prayer


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