Day by Day Pictures and Parables
Day by Day Series
Author: Various Authors
Publisher: Precious Seed

As part of the Day by Day series, this book seeks to encourage the daily reading of scripture, but also to bring out some of the richness of scripture through the daily meditation.


Day by Day Pictures and Parables

As part of the Day by Day series, this book seeks to encourage the daily reading of scripture, but also to bring out some of the richness of scripture through the daily meditation. Even a cursory reading of the scriptures would reveal how rich they are in the use of illustration and metaphor. Understanding the difference between what should be interpreted literally and that which is metaphorical is crucial. These daily readings will help us all to be workmen that need not be ashamed, ‘rightly dividing the word of truth’, 2 Tim. 2. 15.



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Day by Day Pictures and Parables
