Day by Day Divine Titles
Day by Day Series
Author: Various Authors
Publisher: Precious Seed

The idea for this book came from the ministry of the late Jim Flanigan of Northern Ireland.

In the early days of church testimony it was noted, of Peter and John in particular, ‘that they had been with Jesus’, Acts 4. 13.


Day by Day Divine Titles

The idea for this book came from the ministry of the late Jim Flanigan of Northern Ireland.

In the early days of church testimony it was noted, of Peter and John in particular, ‘that they had been with Jesus’, Acts 4. 13. That time in the presence of the Lord gave the disciples boldness and, though perceived to be ‘unlearned and ignorant men’, people ‘marvelled and … took knowledge of them’. These daily readings and meditations on Divine persons are designed to embolden believers today to speak of and live for the God who has saved us and kept us throughout our Christian lives.



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Day by Day Divine Titles
