Balaam the Son of Beor
Author: William M Banks
Publisher: Decapolis Press

Balaam has a large place in the scriptures. He is mentioned in eight books and referenced sixty-three times in fifty-nine verses. Whilst his only assignment was to curse God’s people, God was working out all of the apparent disparate circumstances for the implementing of His sovereign purposes.


Balaam the Son of Beor

Balaam has a large place in the scriptures. He is mentioned in eight books and referenced sixty-three times in fifty-nine verses. Whilst his only assignment was to curse God’s people, God was working out all of the apparent disparate circumstances for the implementing of His sovereign purposes.

The background to Balaam’s parables is considered in detail and the parables themselves are examined in terms of their couplets. The application to the nation of Israel as well as the significant lessons for today are examined. The history of a wasted life devoted to materialistic pursuit although with evident potential for good is a salutary lesson for all.



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Balaam the Son of Beor
