A study in New Testament Christianity
Author: John Heading
Publisher: Precious Seed

This book was first published in 1975. It was written for those Christians who either knew already, or who desired to know, the implications of the Acts of the Apostles for today. Out of print for some time, Precious Seed Books are please to reissue this edition with the permission of the copyright owners. John Heading was the second editor of the magazine, succeeding J. H. Large who was one of the founding members of the original committee.



This book was first published in 1975. It was written for those Christians who either knew already, or who desired to know, the implications of the Acts of the Apostles for today. Out of print for some time, Precious Seed Books are please to reissue this edition with the permission of the copyright owners. John Heading was the second editor of the magazine, succeeding J. H. Large who was one of the founding members of the original committee.


It was the intention of the author to trace the development of the church, and also separate out the transient features that characterized the transitional period between Judaism and Christianity. John Heading sought also to stress the abiding principles governing local churches and their collective service, as well as the service of individual believers.


We trust that this new and slightly revised edition will be a help and a blessing to a new generation of readers.



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