2 Corinthians
Author: Norman Mellish
Publisher: Decapolis Press

In writing on this oft neglected book, the author provides us with his customary analysis and exposition of each chapter, and many word studies that will be of profit to the reader. Although this book does not afford the space, there are also lines of truth that will give the student ample scope for meditation.


2 Corinthians

From the outset of this Epistle, Paul reasserts his apostolic calling indicating that his authority to speak as he does is because that authority is from God Himself. The content of this letter would show that it followed not long after the first had been written. It was to encourage the Corinthians for the actions that they had taken. Indeed, this is one of a number of links between the two Epistles and it shows how the truth of God is maintained and developed between them.

In writing on this oft neglected book, the author provides us with his customary analysis and exposition of each chapter, and many word studies that will be of profit to the reader. Although this book does not afford the space, there are also lines of truth that will give the student ample scope for meditation.



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2 Corinthians
