1 & 2 Thessalonians
The Manifestation of Christ
Author: Norman Mellish
Publisher: Decapolis Press Publications

There are three prime Epistles – Romans, Ephesians, and Thessalonians. All are doctrinal. We have the cross in Romans, the church in Ephesians, and, nally, the coming of the Lord in Thessalonians.


1 & 2 Thessalonians

There are three prime Epistles – Romans, Ephesians, and Thessalonians. All are doctrinal. We have the cross in Romans, the church in Ephesians, and, finally, the coming of the Lord in Thessalonians.

In Romans, we have the truth of the gospel set forth where faith is the dominant theme. The Ephesians sets forth the truth of the church which is His body into which all who believe belong, and love marks this book. These letters end with Thessalonians, which, though written r st, is placed last because this is the ultimate destiny of the saints. We are linked to the coming again of the Lord Jesus. Here the theme is that of hope.

NORMAN MELLISH trusted the Lord Jesus as his Saviour at the age of fifteen. As a young man, the Lord exercised him to preach the gospel. As a result he started gospel tent meetings in the city of Manchester, UK, at the age of twenty-eight. After five years of tent work in the city, the Lord led him into full time ministry. In 1968 he was commended by the Wythenshaw assembly. He has been to the British Isles, North America, Brazil, Australia, and to various parts of Europe to preach the gospel and minister the truth of God to those who love God’s name.



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1 & 2 Thessalonians
