Articles for the Issue –

2005 Volume 60 Issue 2
Articles in this Issue
What should the Christian’s attitude be to gambling, especially as the United Kingdom is facing the biggest shake-up in gambling laws it has ever seen,and the result of these changes will soon be obviou…
Christian Year Publications (CYP) started as a very small part-time publishing enterprise in 1990. The initial objective was to publish a diary for Christians which put the Lord’s Day as the first day o…
We probably feel that Moses had every good reason to run away from this rod that had suddenly become a serpent! But the incident was the Lord’s response to Moses’ own expressions of doubt about the work…
The Principles of Godly Leadership The Creator of the universe visited this earth in fashion as a man, Heb. 2. 6; Ps. 8. 4. We know Him as the lowly Jesus who offered the ultimate sacrifice for our sins…
ENGLAND MIDLANDS AND SOUTH Ian Campbell came to the assembly in Bicester for a week of children’s meetings and school visits during January 2005. About forty-five children gathered each night for a week…
Question How Can I Know the Will of God for My Life? Answer This is a question often asked by young believers and is as relevant to decisions that affect our longer-term future as to our daily circumsta…
What does 1 Corinthians 15. 29 mean by speaking of those ‘baptized for the dead’? Who were the ‘sons of God’ in Genesis 6. 2? What does it mean that Christ ‘went and preached to the spirits in prison’, …
If God called, would you be willing to obey? Eight years ago as a married man with two daughters, my own business, and actively involved in the local assembly happily attending all the gatherings of the…
2 Samuel 15. 1-6. When the French emperor Napoleon Bonaparte was first exiled, he vowed that that he would one day return to rule the country of France. When the opportunity eventually came, he acted qu…
Chapters 2. 13 to 3. 4 Outline of the section The Appreciation. vv 13-15. Paul’s pastoral exercise. v.13 Determination, ‘chosen’, God’s choice that the church would not be in the tribulation; v.14 Dest…
‘Good tidings of great joy’. That is how the angel described the message he brought. It concerned the coming into this scene of the Redeemer, or, as the angel continued, ‘a Saviour, which is Christ the …
THERE IS NO PEACE Most people in the world long for peace, and yet there are wars and the threats of future wars. There is strife and stress between and within nations, families and individuals. In the …
The Lord desiring and dwelling among His People The House of God is a glorious theme that runs through the whole of our Bible. It illustrates just how much God values the fellowship and companionship of…
DILEMMA BOX You are running a charitable project feeding homeless street children which has caught the attention of some non-Christians in the community. They are keen to help you financially and offer …
‘Is it time to reassess our gospel outreach?’ All quotations are taken from the NKJV. Like the book of Acts, the book of Joshua presents a picture of almost uninterrupted victory and progress. Some of P…
2 Cor. 8. vv. 16-24. All quotations are from The New American Standard Bible. I don’t know about you, but I would love to have a name like Billy Graham or Dwight Moody. They were men who served the Lord…
In the latter part of the nineteenth century when the coal mining industry was being developed in the Kingdom of Fife, and villages were springing up all over the area, the town of Cowdenbeath was growi…
SCOTT PECK says, ‘It’s in meeting and solving problems that we grow mentally and spiritually. Wise people learn not to dread, but to welcome the pain of problems’. Sociologists who study resiliency, the…
‘God Almighty’ is a name, or an expression, with which many people are familiar.The truth of it is something with which we can never be too familiar.What does God have power to do? God has power in crea…
Thoughts of Approaching Death All quotations are taken from the New King James Version. ‘The days of our lives are seventy years; and if by reason of strength they are eighty years’, Ps. 90. 10. A hymn …
‘I have escaped by the skin of my teeth’, Job 19. 20 The English idiom ‘escaped by the skin of one’s teeth’ is derived from this graphic expression in the book of Job. One of the main themes of the book…
Book Reviews in this Issue
By Peter Jeffery. Paperback, 128 pp, Published by Evangelical Press, Faverdale North, Darlington, DL3 0PH. Price £7.95. ISBN 085234 564X. Peter Jeffery may not be an author well known to readers of th…
By Clifford Pond. Paperback, 140 pp. Published by Grace Publications Trust, 175 Tower Bridge Road, London SE1 2AH. Distributed by Evangelical Press, Faverdale North Industrial Estate, Darlington DL3 0PH…
By John Grant. Hardback, 509 pages, Published by John Ritchie Ltd, 40 Beansburn, Kilmarnock, KA3 1RH Price £18.95. ISBN 1 904064 26 4 This is the most recent production in the ‘What the Bible Teaches’…

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