Articles for the Issue –

2004 Volume 59 Issue 1
Articles in this Issue
CHAPTER 15 – PART ONE INTRODUCTION The background In 1 Corinthians 15, Paul was concerned with the resurrection of the dead, and with the resurrection of believers in particular. Verses 12, 34 and 35 he…
Abel’s shepherd ministry – in his times Abel is the first of a number of Old Testament individuals who we are told were occupied with the care of sheep. The word used for ‘keeper’ in this case conveys …
The book of Genesis records that, at different times in his life and in different locations, Abraham used to build altars. There are four different altars in the Scriptures that are attributed to Abraha…
Our brother Ivan Steeds has come to the time when he feels, on account of family needs, no longer able to continue on the committee of the magazine. Ivan has always given fully and freely of his time an…
‘Bread flour must be ground:’ Isaiah 28. 28. Brokenness isn’t a popular subject, especially in a world that applauds bravado. Yet it’s usually the price of success as far as God is concerned. In most of…
‘Son, go work today in my vineyard’, Matt. 21. 28. The question that provoked the exchange between the Lord and the chief priests and elders, of which our text is part, was the question of authority. Wh…
ENGLAND WINSHILL Winshill Gospel Hall, Burton-on Trent, conducted a meeting considering the issues of drugs and asking: ARE CHRISTIANS PREPARED FOR THE REALITY? The purpose of the meeting was to promote…
Question How Does A Christian Deal With Feelings of Guilt? Answer Firstly, do not ever think that you are alone in having feelings of guilt. Most Christians, at sometime or another in their experience, …
Mark appreciated ‘Take Mark, and bring him with thee: for he is profitable to me for the ministry’, 2 Tim. 4. 11. What praise is this! Mark must have well earned it for Paul’s standards were very high. …
Nearer home, yes one day nearer To our Father’s house on high, And His love is growing dearer, As the days glide swiftly by, Sorrow’s storm will soon be over, Tempests never more will come, Tents no mor…
The first New Testament assembly was planted in Shetland in 1864 when five born-again and baptized believers sat down in a room in Mounthooly Street in Lerwick to remember the Lord in the breaking of br…
‘Men ought always to pray and not to faint’, Luke 18. 1 ‘What, could ye not watch with me one hour?’ Matt. 26. 40 Getting started in relation to prayer The Lord Jesus Christ was a man of prayer, see M…
John’s Gospel chapter 20 is an enthralling piece of writing describing as it does one of the greatest days the inhabitants of earth have ever seen. This quite remarkable day was of course ‘the third day…
Chapter 7. How not to serve God – the obstacle to serving God Here are some keys to unlock the ideas set out in the chapter. Key question: ‘Is the law sinful?’ 7. 7. The subject: the discovery of indwel…
When here on earth, the greatest single issue that divided men regarding the Lord Jesus was His claim to be the Son of God, and therefore equal with God. This is seen in John 6. 17-18, and 10. 30-33. Th…
Notice the background: Naaman had been used by God to give deliverance to Syria, and that evidently included success against Israel. God controls the affairs of nations, and takes account of character. …
Introductory References to the Lord Jesus as the ‘Word of God’ occur in John’s gospel, 1. 1-5, 14. Here He is seen as eternally divine, the Creator of everything, the source of life and light, yet beco…
Introduction We have been taught that though we are in the world, we are not of it. Sadly, the world has so encroached upon us as Christians that the distinction has been seriously blurred. In this pray…
Additional clarification Re: ‘Registration as a Charity’ Section 3(5) of the Charities Act 1993 indicates as follows: ‘no charity is required to be registered in respect of any registered place of worsh…
People may go into the Lord’s work for various reasons. Some may feel there is prestige connected with being in full-time Christian work. If one is lazy he might think he could get by while doing very l…
It has been said, ‘School was loved or loathed’ and no doubt many reading this article would tend to agree! There will be countless reasons why you either loved it or loathed it. But for all that, the d…
Book Reviews in this Issue
By Sharon James. 288pp. Cloth bound, £13.95. Published by Evangelical Press, Grange Close, Faverdale North, Darlington. DL3 0PH (or Evangelical Press U.S.A., P.O. Box 825, Webster, New York 14580, USA.)…
By Thelma H. Jenkins. Published by Evangelical Press. 176pp. Paperback. Price £5.95 ISBN 0 85234532 1 This is a long awaited reprint of one of Bunyan’s best writings. Thelma Jenkins in her version, ha…
By Barry Horner. 400pp. Large paperback. £11.95. Published by Evangelical Press, Grange Close, Faverdale North, Darlington, DL3 0PH, England (or Evangelical Press U.S.A., P.O. Box 84, Auburn, MA 01501 U…

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